The Shooting Star Collection: Travel-Inspired Clothing for a Cause!

the shooting star collection, sustainable clothing india

Customizable vibes, zero waste, vegan printing inks, eco friendly packaging and supports reforestation in Uttarakhand.

[Update June 2021] All good things come to an end... and so does The Shooting Star Collection, on June 24th 2021. Read the announcement here.

I’m thrilled, and frankly quite surprised, to be presenting to you The Shooting Star Collection – designed for explorers, dreamers and rebels!

The birth of a travel-inspired collection

Since I published my book last year, multiple companies have been in touch with me to create travel-inspired merchandise, but somehow none of it clicked until I got talking with Hoomanwear. This young Indian startup (proudly among amazing clothing brands made in India) with their focus on sustainable clothing, ethical sourcing, out-of-the-box design, vegan friendly printing, on-demand manufacturing, raising funds for a cause and eco friendly packaging had me sold!

So weโ€™ve been working tirelessly (mostly them actually :p) over the past few months to create a unique travel-inspired collection that let’s you wear your adventurous ways on your sleeve.

And yes, weโ€™re shipping this eco friendly clothing India wide and worldwide.

The Shooting Star Collection: 3 Designs, 3 “Vibes”

Just a girl who travels

Always planning your next adventure โ€“ sometimes even solo. Wear it like you belong on the road.

just a girl who travels, the shooting star collection, sustainable clothing india
Eco friendly clothing India: Just a girl who travels – minimal vibe.

Una vida

Thereโ€™s a reason youโ€™ve got just Una Vida (Spanish: One Life). Make this your reminder to find out why.

the shooting star collection, sustainable clothing india
Fair trade clothing India: Una vida – minimal vibe.


Indulge the traveller in you. Next time you leave home, donโ€™t let it be without a ticket, your bags and this! Available in Urdu, Hindi and English.

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Cotton Indian clothing: Musafir – bold vibe.

The 3 designs are now available as hoodies, t-shirts and crop tops. You can choose from a range of colours, body types and sizes, of course. But you can also use an incredibly unique feature on the Hoomanwear store to choose your own vibe!

Minimal, bold and cool vibes

Depending on your taste, you can choose each statement in 3 different vibes – so there’s a total of 9 options to pick from!

Supporting reforestation in Uttarakhand

The best part: Every piece sold from the The Shooting Star Collection raises funds for Alaap – an Uttarakhand-based non-profit that grows native forests using the revolutionary Miyawaki Method. For every 1000 pieces sold, they can create one real forest.

I travelled to Uttarakhand earlier this year to learn about their work in one of Uttarakhand’s most backward regions – and already ran a fundraiser to support them to plant two native mixed forests in Uttarakhand in July 2020. Your contributions / shares were much appreciated!

sustainable clothing india, musafir urdu, the shooting star collection
Eco friendly clothing brands India: Musafir in Urdu.

Redefining clothing

Living out of two bags on the road, I tend to keep away from materialistic temptations… but Hoomanwear’s hoodie made me break that pledge earlier this year (long before we decided to partner).

I felt like I could justify indulging myself to support fair trade Indian clothing, from the country’s first and possibly only eco-friendly, plant-based, causewear startup. Iโ€™ve kind of been living in their hoodie since I bought it – and am wearing it even as I type this post.

Here are all the reasons I chose to partner with them for The Shooting Star Collection:

Vegan printing inks

Printing inks typically contain bone char or glycerin from animal fat (ugh). But Hoomanwear uses Eco Passport certified inks with no harmful chemicals or animal ingredients. So yes, it is very much part of the vegan clothing brands India movement.

95-100% natural fabric

Washing polyester-based fabrics releases micro-plastic fibers in the water – which contaminate groundwater and harm marine life. Hoomanwear clothes use high-quality cotton fabric, with 0-5% synthetic fibers.

Zero waste

The merchandise is created only on demand, ensuring no need for inventory and no waste of stock. This also allows us to offer you a wide range of options (designs, colors, vibes) to choose from!

Zero waste packaging

The clothes are shipped in 100% reusable and biodegradable packaging. Think recycled pizza boxes, reusable cloth bags or bioplastic vegetable starch bags made in Coimbatore, that dissolve in warm water!

I reused my bioplastic bag for a while, and when it began to tear, put it in warm water to test if it really dissolves. IT DOES! Truly revolutionizing eco friendly packaging India.

For a cause

Each of their collections support a verified cause, including Alaap and an animal rescue sanctuary in Dharamsala.

A promising future, hopefully

Hoomanwear hoodies use no wool. The wool industry is cruel and often leaves sheep battered and bloodied. But theyโ€™re also trying to move away from water-intensive cotton to hemp and bamboo blends.

Research is also underway for reprintable t-shirts and hoodies, so durable plant-based clothes can simply be reprinted with new designs instead of buying new ones. Wouldnโ€™t that be cool?

Why choose eco friendly clothing in India?

According to a 2018 UN report, โ€œthe fashion industry, including the production of all clothes which people wear, contributes to around 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions due to its long supply chains and energy intensive production.โ€

So what can we do?

Embrace slow fashion, buy less, buy from small brands where itโ€™s possible to verify the process, pay a bit more to buy something eco friendly and durable, and say no to animal cruelty in the form of wool, leather, silk etc.

Go browse The Shooting Star Collection and be sure to customise your vibe <3

What do you think about this travel-inspired collection? Which design and vibe do you like most?

*Connect with Hoomanwear, the founder and this collection’s designer.

Join my travel adventures on InstagramFacebook and Twitter.

Order a copy of my bestselling book, The Shooting Star.

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  1. sustainability and economicabilty doesn’t go hand in hand….

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      It will get better as demand increases and we start calling out mass producers for their polluting, wasteful practices.

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      So glad you do <3

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      Thanks Cornelia ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      Thanks Nupur; so glad you feel that way!

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