12 Reasons to Love Jasper.

On the second stop of my cross-Canada trip, I found myself in the vast wilderness of Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada. I swam in the frigid Fraser River, walked on the ancient Athabasca glacier, took a cruise to Spirit Island on Maligne Lake, and spent many an hour reading Murakami in the backdrop of the snow-clad Rocky mountains.ย On a misty morning in Jasper, the title of the book I’ll pen someday, occurred to me. So I have to share with you, just what made me fall in love with Jasper.


1. In the lap of the Rockies, a quaint little town
Lakes and forests in its midst, snow on its crown.

Jasper town, Jasper photos, Jasper pictures, Jasper Alberta Canada

Everyone knows everyone else, it’s true
But you’ll never have to walk too far for solitude.

Jasper town, Jasper photos, Jasper pictures, Jasper Alberta Canada

The elk graze by the road, the moose stay close
You’ll hold your breath as the black bears pose.

Black bear photos, pictures of black bears, Jasper wildlife

Upon the lakes, the clouds descend
As though they are greetings the heavens send…

Jasper lakes, Jasper view

That on Maligne Lake when you take a cruise
Spirit Island shall become your muse.

Spirit island Jasper, Maligne lake Jasper, Maligne lake cruise

And whenย the clouds finally rise
The Rockies they reveal, vast and white.

Jasper view, Jasper national park, Jasper photos

Even in summer, snow flakes adorn you
You may think it’s a painting someone drew.

Jasper glacier, Athabasca glacier, Columbia icefields, Jasper icefields

When you set foot on the ancient glacial ice
You’re a small fish in the vast wild

Jasper glacier, Athabasca glacier, Columbia icefields, Jasper icefields

When you sip glacial water so pure
No taste can refresh you more. ย 

Athabasca glacier, Jasper glacier, Columbia icefields

Vigorously through the mountains shall the water flow
Your own personal Nat Geo.

Jasper waterfalls, Tangle waterfalls, Jasper attractions, things to do in Jasper

And by its edge when you dine,
You lose track of days and time.

Fairmont Jasper, Jasper park lodges, Jasper town

Let the mist from the roads rise
To reveal this bit of paradise.

Jasper view, Jasper lakes, Jasper photos, Jasper pictures

Have you fallen in love with Jasper yet?

Follow our journey on the #BloggerTrain as we #ExploreCanada.

Join me virtually on my Canada trip viaย Facebook,ย Twitterย and Instagram.

*Note: I was hosted in Jasper by the Canadian Tourism Commission and Jasper Tourism. You have the right to be jealous!

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  1. From the looks of it, this looks like Banff. Well, Jasper is an extension on Banff and Banff is enroute Jasper.

    Haven’t been to Jasper yet but now, I have to go. Loved the way you rhymed it all and yes, do me a favor – leave me contacts or places you stayed in Jasper. Would be nice to tell the people there that a friend stayed there and recommended the place – who knows, I might even be offered a discount ๐Ÿ˜‰

    If possible, come back soon. The blue skies, that you missed, trust me, they make the mountains look amazing when the sun shines on them. You have to come back to see it in sunny glory.

    1. We got a glimpse of the blue skies on our last day, and it was stunning indeed! There’s no doubt I want to come back.

      Shall be writing some detailed posts on each of the experiences and the operators / places I recommend. Stay tuned!

  2. ooooppppsss…. Stunning. and u said u don’t have a great skills of photography. Now i feel this pics says so much way beyond the feel. Complete bliss and speechless i am. thought of write so much. but .uffooo… ALL the best. i need to come back to normal after seeing these wonderfuls stuffs. WAY to go SHIVYA ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Haha thank you! Glad you enjoyed the pictures. It was such a beautiful place that I didn’t need extraordinary photography skills ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Very beautiful. Pic 7 my favourite.

    PS: Give alt text to images (for SEO). Presently it is the default dsc names from cam.

    1. Thanks Vik!

      I did give the images alt text, but somehow it’s not appearing. Shall go and investigate. Thanks for the pointer.

  4. Yes…truly and completely!! so beautiful, so tranquil, so picturesque..no wonder the poetry is flowing so beautifully…start writing the book there (if not there yet!)

    Have to visit my friend in Canada soon now ๐Ÿ˜›

    1. Isn’t it? I can see it making you feel poetic too ๐Ÿ˜‰ Would definitely like to go back and start writing my book. Ah, someday. Go visit Canada soon and make me jealous!

  5. Wow Canada look so beautiful…Do you have any tips for a budget trip to Canada?

    1. It is, a postcard everywhere you look! A budget trip is a tough one – but if you do it on your own, stay in hostels, use public transport, it should be less expensive. A better idea will be to save more money ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Absolutely loved your photographs! Can’t believe that there are places this beautiful on earth.
    My personal favs are 10 & 11.
    Have fun, Shivya ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks Navmi! I love those two pictures too ๐Ÿ™‚ I know what you mean, it was surreal just being there. After a while I stopped taking pictures and just soaked it all in.

  7. i had so, so much fun reading this! you keep getting better every day! Cheers!

    1. Thanks Priya, I’m glad you did! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Tremendous Pictures.

    Jasper and Siberia are my dream destinations. I love Canada for its natural beauty mostly snow caped mountains and frozen lakes. dining table edge of frozen lake its make me crazy.

    Thanks for sharing these pictures.

    1. Glad you liked the pictures, Devendra! I’d love to come back to Jasper in the winter too, when all the lakes are frozen into skating rings. It’ll be so gorgeous. Are you planning a trip to either place soon?

      1. Obviously! I want visit these places once time in my life, but not now

  9. I have fallen in love with Jasper, your clicks, and a poet within you, dear Shivya! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think this is your best work. Really loved it. Keep going! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you Gayatri, really glad you thought so ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Shriya Arora says:

    Hi Shivya,

    Absolutely stunning photos! I keep reading your posts every now and then, whenever I chance upon them on facebook and I think you write beautifully ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am planning a visit to Canada soon – and I am thinking to do it solo(I find your solo travelling quite inspiring). I am debating which coast to visit, east or west. I think I will only be able to make a 3-4 day trip, and I want to make the most of it. I know this may not be a one line answer, and I apologize to spring it on you, but you seem like a very good/reliable source and I would love to know your thoughts.

    If this is not the right place to ask and you would like me to send you a e-mail or a message someplace else, let me know.

    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks so much Shriya ๐Ÿ™‚

      Wow, I’m glad you’re heading solo to Canada. Glad to have provided a little inspiration!

      I only did four places in Canada – Vancouver, Jasper, Winnipeg and Toronto, so could only help you choose among those. I would say, go to Jasper. 3-4 days is good enough for this small mountain town, and doing the activities around (walking on a glacier, spotting wildlife along the way, going to Spirit Island etc). It might however, take some time to get there, depending on where you’ll be travelling from.

      I’ve seen pictures of PEI and it seems like a really beautiful place too. You might want to check it out. If you’re only going for 3-4 days, I would recommend going to just one place and exploring it. The people in Canada are really friendly and helpful, so you’ll have fun ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. The pictures are mind-numbing! The verse is brilliantly penned – my favorite post yet! ๐Ÿ™‚

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