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  1. Ahhh, so many places, so little time. For most of us that is. My bucket list is long and growing, thanks to you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      Haha, if it’s any consolation, I feel that way all the time. But I’ve made peace in knowing that I can’t experience everywhere in this lifetime ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. josypheen says:

    Beautiful post as always! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have not been to any of these gorgeous places! Eep! There are so so many more mountains and pretty views to see!

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      Thanks Josypheen! I’m sure you’ve been to your fair share of gorgeous places though!

  3. Probably Singapore. I’ve already visited this tiny country eight times, but I’d like to go back one more time.

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      That’s quite a choice! I think there’s something about that tiny island nation that keeps calling people back.

  4. saurabh sharda says:

    An envious wish list to have.
    Your blogs are turning out to be great resources as well as pushing my resources at the same time.
    Thanks for posting and thanks for making travel planning more enjoyable.

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      So glad to hear that Saurabh!

  5. Maldives is definitely one of them. I had spent gorgeous one week years ago, soaking in all the blues, greens, whites of water plus 1000 shades of sunset. Still I yearn to go back there. Another place where I keep going back in Singapore. Though it is a very commercial/touristy country, still it beckons me(imagine, I have been there 4 times already). To add to this list is Switzerland. Those Swiss alps just took my heart away. How can a country be so beautiful, so peaceful, so calm even when its bombarded with tourists. I guess the love affair started since we stayed in little homes at places, where people dont want to spend time in.

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      That’s quite a list Poonam! I’ve been looking at winter getaways and feel like it’s finally time to explore Switzerland.

  6. To be just a girl who travels requires grit and gumption. Keep going. Love your writing and helps me travel the world via the pictures. Awesome ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. I agree about Bosnia-I got to see Mostar and part of Srpska, but I need to spend some real time in Sarajevo. I need to go back to everywhere, but if I had to narrow it down, I’d say Albania, Moldova, Ukraine, and Ecuador.

  8. I always admire your guts and the confidence that u showed to yourself . Yes, when I mention “to yourself” , what I meant here is it’s important to believe in ourselves for our capabilities and potential.. kudos, you are my inspiration. Well someday I wish to be walk your path too

  9. orangewayfarer says:

    Given my way, I will go back to Sundorbon, to the Bhasa (flooded) people…

  10. your descriptions leave me with a maddening urge to flee .

  11. I travel for travelโ€™s sake. The great affair is to move so I guess I am looking forward to new discoveries with my hubby and kids ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. The secret swing is just Wow!

  13. Maldives is my favorite country. I will visit in future. Shivya Nath thanks for such a valuable content.

  14. ‘Love the inspiration! The country I would like to go back to one day is Singapore! I visited the small island country 18 years ago, and I really didn’t like it! After travelling through Asia, Singapore was my last stop before going to Germany, and it felt like an Asian version of Switzerland!

    I love Switzerland, but that wasn’t what I was expecting. Oh, and I kept bumping into so many fellow British expats, that it became quite ridiculous! Perhaps I might feel differently, 18 years later!

  15. Thanks for all the beautiful pictures. I love the pics of the mountains – the Alps and the Caucasus.

  16. Shivya, thanks for being such an inspiration unknowingly. Every time I am chided for not being serious about a job hunt and to stop blogging, I read and re read your posts for inspiration, and it works wonders โ˜บ๏ธ

    Did you actually get to see the ‘sea of stars’ or the phytoplanktons in Maldives. It definitely tops my travel bucket list and I couldn’t the last time I visited Maldives.

    Happy traveling and keep inspiring

  17. I pinned all your photos to my pinterest. Thanks to you. They are tempting and making my wishlist go up. Keep up exploring. Cheers. ๐Ÿ˜›

  18. Jaisalmer in Rajasthan is a place I have visited twice but still feel like visiting again… There’s so much more to experience n the experiences are different in different seasons.
    The lanes of Pondicherry always feel like a welcome home to simply saunter, no matter how many times I go.
    The experience of these places root somewhere in the mind making them feel familiar, at the same time exciting.
    Very nice blog n kudos for bearing with the hassles that come with the excitement of your life

  19. Awesome have got a wonderful photographic skills.Beautiful posts. Traditional beyayenetu is so yummy ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. We went to Guatemala a couple of weeks ago. Visited Antigua, Lake Atitlan and Tikal, and yes… I left my heart behind in Atitlan. Fell in love with the people, the food, weather, textiles… everything. Would love to go back someday. Ecuador is on our list too!

    Visiting Morocco in Feb, and I see that it’s a country you haven’t visited yet? Really looking forward to it. My husband and I are vegan, and I am hoping that we should be okay with the food there.

  21. Nice Post and Amazing Pictures. I got New Things to your blog. Such an Awesome website for travel.

  22. I feel how limited my life is after i read your blogs !. Travelling answers all questions of life ๐Ÿ™‚ . Savored every bit of this article. Thank you

  23. I’d love to go back to Japan, in fact, I want to live there. But I’m still going thru my travel bucket list. many beautiful places to see

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