I’m Hitting The Road, Indefinitely…

The beginning of my journey as a female digital nomad.

This was long coming. I’ve been planning and un-planning, thinking and re-thinking, and I’m finally going to do it. I’ve given up my apartment in Delhi. I’ve sold / given away most of my possessions. I’m leaving some clothes at an aunt’s place and in the boot of a friend’s car. And I’m hitting the road. Indefinitely.

The concept of “location independence”, ie travelling without a fixed based, is hardly unheard of in the west. At first, I deemed it impractical as an Indian because I have no social security. But that’s exactly the excuse many of us use to not travel much. Having travelled constantly for two years, I’ve realized that I don’t need a fortune to travel. It all boils down to priorities. I know very well that I neither I want to buy a house, nor get married or have kids. In all probability, I don’t want to study further. Shopping or social events (offline) are not really my thing. So really, there is no financial goal stopping me from a nomadic life!

The only reason I kept coming back to Delhi was the need to have a base to recharge my batteries. But I’m letting go off that need. All my work is online, and I’m far more creative when I’m working in a pretty little corner of someplace remote, than in my characterless apartment.

Indian travel blogger, Indian traveller, female Indian traveller, female digital nomad
A female digital nomad in the making: Lakshman Sagar, Rajasthan.

The plan is simple – I’m going to continue working hard on the go (Read: How I Afford My Travels and How You Can Too) and live as a female digital nomad. I’ll move from place to place, and sometimes I’ll slow down and stay longer in a place I really like. Although I’ve travelled halfway across the world, there’s so much more I still want to experience and discover within India itself. And though the falling rupee might not take me much further, I certainly want to revisit Southeast Asia.

[2015 update: Unexpected Ways Long Term Travel Has Changed Me

Over the last few months, I’ve started to feel weary of solo travel. Not because of the recent news stories (my conviction that it is possible to travel safely as a woman in India still stands strong), but because I’ve started to feel just a little unfulfilled with my fleeting interactions on the road. Luckily for me, I’m going to have a partner-in-crime for most of my upcoming adventures. There will be solo trips every now and then, but for the most part, I will revel in the company of a close friend.

A majority of our explorations will focus on socially responsible experiences in offbeat parts of India. And I’m hoping that our slow travels will give me the space, time and inspiration for the book I’ve been penning in my mind.

(Also read: 21 Months On, My Nomadic Life Feels Normal)

So this is it. I’m going to live the next phase of my dream, embrace the life of a female digital nomad and invite you to join me virtually! Oh, and I leave tomorrow.

Join my adventures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and of course here, on my blog. See you on the other side!

female digital nomad, digital nomad lifestyle, digital nomad life
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More posts in this digital nomad lifestyle series:

One Year of Traveling Without a Home

How I’m Financially Sustaining my Digital Nomad Lifestyle

How I Fit All My Life Possessions in Two Bags as I Travel the World

7 Years of Long Term Travel – Then a Pandemic!

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  1. Jatin Doshi says:

    Wish I can do this someday! All the best! Have a great nomadic life!

  2. You go, girl!!! Will look forward to read your notes from the road. Give me a shout-out when you get to Bombay; would love to meet up ๐Ÿ™‚ Cheers!

  3. Awesome. Go for it girl. I know you will be good. Keep sharing all about travels so that i continue with being jealous. Best of luck. ๐Ÿ™‚
    P.S: I wish we could have met once before you left but hopefully, we will meet up someday. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Good Luck Shivya!
    We will bump into each other some day ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hi Shooting Star…

    It was last week when I was doing some research for my trip to Goa that I came across your blog and I’m following it since then. I must say that you are actually a Shooting Star who is doing everything to live the dream. Good to know you Shivya. And what a news to wake up to!!! Someone somewhere has the courage to go ahead and take the leap for the dream one has been living for. I’m really really happy for you. I also have the dream similar to you and have been trying to work out things for quite a while but as you rightly said “thatโ€™s exactly the excuse many of us use to not travel much”.

    Wish you all the very best for your adventures and I’m gonna be part of it!!!!!

  6. vijay Dalakoti says:

    Nice thought and definite your cause help social life. Else here everybody just running for money not for life. Which is indeed very short.

  7. Great step ahead! Although I am a travel freak and have not lived in a place more than 3-4 years..but your this choice is making me curious! All ready to read your experiences as a nomad! Waiting for a book from you to come out on your travel experiences..I will gift that to my sister and daughter ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Absolute ‘livin-out-of-a-suitcase’ for you now!! Jealous of your friend though who gets to accompany you!!

  9. You’ve taken bold decision. Wishing you many many many years of Happy Travelling

  10. On your way, can you please ear fold places where we can take our kids and show the colours of India like a village where bandhni is done in every house or a village where many are involved in kantha stich work or a place where stone jalis are made..can you please find those hidden gems of India where we can go and live in small eco friendly places, learn, seek and enjoy.

  11. Here’s wishing u luck in ur endeavor !!

  12. This is great news! Good luck! I always wondered why you had a house when you travel so often. Are you planning to invest in the Indian version of a trailer?

    Where in Karnataka have you planned to go to? Let me know, I’d love to meet you.

  13. WOW! Good luck. I will follow you virtually. Will be waiting for your each post.

  14. hey sweets!! all the very best…!! and i would like to meet u sometime when u are in kerala…as im too share a bit of your interests but its the unsecure feeling that my parents do have….i wish if i could convince them and start my travel….!! hope to meet you soon.!!!!

  15. Wow! I so envy you… ๐Ÿ˜› This is so awesome… Hope you have a fab time!

  16. Be safe Shivya and life is all about adapting. So if you like a spot and feel like being there, for ever, then dont let this post come in the way. ๐Ÿ™‚ Same applies to some of the other things you mentioned like house etc. Wishes.

  17. WOW. It couldn’t have been very easy to take this decision, Shivya, and it’s amazing that you’re now convinced enough to go completely nomadic ๐Ÿ™‚ All the best and all power to you, girl! Waiting to read more and more.

  18. All the best for you next travelling experience.. It’s so rare that one gets to do what he loves to do.. I am glad you chose to live like this.. I must say travelling and thanks for sharing your experiences with us.. You rock!

  19. Dear Shivya,

    Till about a minute ago, I envied you for all the places that you go to and all the experiences that you design for yourself. Not now. I just changed the lenses I use to look at you. Now, I admire you and your spirit and hope that you soar, float, drift and make everyone wish just like a shooting star.


  20. gr8.. its just so wonderful to roam around n see those beautiful, hidden parts of nature ๐Ÿ™‚ amazing… looking forward for your new post ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m virtually moving along with u ๐Ÿ˜‰

  21. Maninder Kaur says:

    Kudos to your spirit. Bon Voyage sister!

  22. When in Madhya Pradesh (I am in Jabalpur) I would love to help you as much as I can, if that helps. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Wish you all the best for the journey & we will be keeping an eye on it through your blog & other social channels. ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. My best wishes Shivya ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. richa pandey says:

    wish u al d best shivya for ur nomadic life !! ๐Ÿ™‚ hope u enjoy it to d fullest ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Mohammed Nasir says:

    A nomad never gets happiness in a city. Nomad does not belong to one place. Go reclaim your world.

  26. Debtirtha Das says:

    All the best Shivya. One always misses something on there way, when they have to go back, but in a nomadic life you’ll always find people, places more beautiful. Wish all best possible trips for you ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Enjoy and wish you all the best!!. If you happen to visit Chennai do let me know:)) Most welcome to my abode..

  28. Shivya, all the very very best! ๐Ÿ™‚ Where are you likely to be in Karnataka in september second and third week? I would be around too and will be doing a bit of travelling around. Was just curious ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. This is something unexpected. All the best the new adventurous nomadic way…Kindly share you itinerary of Karnataka. I shall try to catch you up there.

  30. You go girl ! Daring to tread what many cant even dream of ! Certainly something any wanderer can understand.

  31. Sujoyta Ghosh says:

    Dil khol ke jeena hee jeena hai…you have proved that, Shivya. Looking forward to travelling with you, albeit vicariously!! Stay blessed.

  32. Awesome! You are anyway using crowd funding by asking folks to contribute for travel fund, you can actually look for folks who may be willing to offer u temporary base at their places,, I am sure you will find many..who will not like to host such interesting ppl :)..btw if u planning to come to mysore any time soon you and your friend are welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Wow Shivya, this is such an inspiring thing to wake up to! All the best for your travels. Looking forward to all the stories you will find there ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. Have a wonderful life! This is brilliant ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. Geetanjali says:

    wow, you are a brave girl, Shivya. To take this decision, is no small thing,

    I wish you all the best……….

  36. Dharven Tyagi says:


  37. So brave of you. Wish you safe travels, happy memories and a wealth of stories to share. Keep in touch with all of your friends here.

  38. Awesome :), had heard that this is about to happen, it will be good…Gypsy culture is back ๐Ÿ™‚

    anyway dropping you a mail, have a look, and all the best

  39. Good luck and welcome to the world of nomads :-). Remain strong and flexible. Everything else will fall into place. It is a lot of fun too ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. All the very best Shivya!!!

    Hope you stay inspired and keep inspiring!! =)

  41. Awesome !! so happy for you- have a kickass time ๐Ÿ™‚ Any chance of visiting Bangalore when in Karnataka, give me a shout! ( Hopefully after 17th Sept as I’m not in Bangalore till then- I leave for Ladakh tomorrow- yayyyy!)

  42. I am as usual jealous that you’re living the life of a gypsy (I always wanted too) but also know I am probably never going to live it…


    Good luck on the next phase!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Kara Freedman says:

    Can’t wait to follow you on this new adventure. Best of luck, I’m sure the digital nomad lifestyle will work out well for you!

  44. โ€ฆlike the waters of a river, to whom existence is as long as the journey, taking baby steps in the wild mountains, trotting down verdant valleys, meandering across gorges and small towns, touching the banks of illuminated cities where civilizations had come and gone before reaching the estuary mouth just in time for another perfect sunset where the great ocean has the portal to your next trip ->
    a new river, this time though waking to the music of a rainforest to pack up for a trek along trails to be formed yet, en route to see a new people, listen to new sounds, discover tastes unknown and colours unseenโ€ฆ
    Go on, reveal us the worldโ€ฆ
    the world will watch over you on the route..

    wishing u the best of world
    a nobody with an accidental overdose of inspiration

  45. Good luck Shivya!

    Almost 3 months ago, I quit my job in London, ended my tenancy, shipped back all my stuffs back to Singapore, hit the bag and got travelling in the Balkans, a region in Europe troubled by wars still fresh from memory and still relatively unexplored. It was my shot at living life as a nomad, the difference being I really still have a home and it was for a fixed duration of 3 months.

    Have you heard of Wwoof? I did that in England and Wales, where you basically exchange your labour in a farm for food and lodging. If India has that, and if you are willing to get your hands dirty, it is a fantastic way to travel and meet local people!

    All the best!

  46. What an amazing adventure you’re about to embark on! Looking forward to following your travels:)

  47. Good luck! I am looking forward to reading your adventures. ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. Great list to go for! You are a true nomad. Congratulations for IB Awards! ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. Who needs a house when their are so many friends with homes to share…. good luck miss nomad! have a great time exploring……you’re welcome to Ajmer anytime you want

  50. anusrinath says:

    Wow! Congrats girl! You are such an inspiration to many of us out there! I and my husband has been living kinda nomadic life (not completely), moving over tiny places in Europe. Now staying in the same place for 3 years feels like we’ve become stagnant, and we are desperately looking for a change too! I’ll take the little motivation from you, and prepare ourselves for our next move hopefully!!

  51. There are bloggers and there are bloggers….there are travelers and there are travelers… Shivya, you are an inspiration and your wise, balanced perspective is what makes you stand apart from the rest.

    I can understand…this is a big leap for you. So Shivya, wish you good luck, my friend. Do keep enthralling us with your stories.

    On this defining occasion sending your way an ancient Irish blessing:

    May the road rise to meet you
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the sun shine warm upon your face
    The rains fall soft upon your fields….

  52. That is SO exciting! It will be a complete blast I’m sure. I have to say that your posts on Sri Lanka were super helpful to me while planning my trip. Looking forward to many more!


  53. Avi Gohain says:

    Well I was going through your ’24 hours in Bangalore’ and I must say you had me at ABC-Arbor brewing company and toit (my two favorite watering holes). Been here for more than 3 years I absolutely love this place. Having said that, you must be wondering why am I commenting here. Well actually reading your one blog led to another and I’ve read most of them by now.I LOVE TRAVELLING absolutely love it, but then again who doesn’t ? I wanted to be a perpetual nomad and your blog ( https://the-shooting-star.com/2012/07/20/how-i-afford-my-travels/ ) gave me a wonderful insight. I guess I need to set few of my priorities straight save up from my beer fund. I intend to be the black sheep of my family than a corporate blue-collared slave.

    I’m more of a mountain guy, I like the rush of adrenaline, the high, the epiphany and the sense of being oneness with the nature always leaves me speechless. The prospect of meeting new people excites me too. Let me know if you intend to travel in south India or any mountain trips and in need of company cause I would love to have a Traveler’s company rather than a tourist. I usually travel to Delhi once a year in the winters, do suggest some 24/48/72 hour guide.Thanks for being such an inspiration !! And Regards for your journey I hope that ROAD NEVER ENDS !!

  54. Good for you Shivya, the heart knows what it needs…

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