The Ikea marketing gimmick

The Ikea store in Queenstown, Singapore, has only 1 entry, but 2 exits. As my services marketing prof aptly puts it, “They’re playing on the Singaporean mentality. When Singaporeans see a queue, they join it.” More than often, there’s a huge crowd outside Ikea, waiting to get in through the single entry door. It entices passers-by to believe that Ikea is GOOD. Which it is, by the way. And localization, as they say, is the key to good marketing.

I suppose we attribute the ‘queuing mentality’ to the success of Doughnut Factory too. What else can make doughnuts special enough to be queued for for 2-3 hours?

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  1. wow! Smart people. What are your thoughts, if in India we implement this ‘queuing mantality’? I guess same here also!

  2. I don’t think it’ll work in India. People don’t really queue, more like crowd around to see what’s happening. It could be disastrous actually :p But on the bright side, at least we don’t spend hours waiting for things we don’t even need!

  3. That’s some pretty smart marketing. Gotta give them credit for doing their research… 🙂

  4. Shivya,
    I think I will agree with you on the Indian Queuing system. Ikea would end up having lot of WIndow Shoppers than actually buyers. Imagine they end up displaying Cricket Match on a 40 inch tv on top of a beautiful Table. The whole point would be lost for Ikea. I would call it Challenge for the Ikea marketing dudes. !!


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