I Couldn’t Have Made it to 100,000 Views Without You.

This post is dedicated to you, whoever you are and wherever you’reย reading from. Thank you. Thank you for being a part of The Shootingย Star, for leaving me words of wisdom and encouragement, for liking &ย sharing my posts, and for being with me virtually. I couldn’t have made it toย 100,000 views without you. I present you with a brand new look today.

A new focus.

After several failed attempts at blogging, I started The Shooting Star as a personalย blog, a space online to connect with my deepest, sometimes not soย legible thoughts, and the world. I made some great blogging friendsย along the way.

Sometime in 2007, I became a travel addict. My posts slowly startedย taking the shape of travel posts. Even more so since 2009, when Iย began to travel not just for travel’s sake, but also to seek fodder forย my blog. Traveling to new places has become such an integral part ofย me that I’m ready to call The Shooting Star something of a travelย blog. I hope you’ll continue to travel with me virtually on my journeys around theย world.

A new community.

Together with a new blog focus, I’m also embarking on a new cause. A cause to bring together travelers who seek out offbeat, unexplored places around the world. Join my 2-day old Facebook page to find your next travel inspiration or share your best-discovered travel secrets.

Offbeat World Travel

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  1. Congrats first. This really a milestone.
    I have missed many posts of yours. I was having hectic schedule and my new venture is keeping me on my toes.
    I never knew today’s post was special but had an intense feeling to be here ,and Lo!! I am seeing a beautiful post. Your blog template looks awesome. I want to read your earlier posts too. I am a travel buff and I am sure I would enjoy all your posts.First I want to add this in my blogger dashboard so that I would see regular updates.
    take care dear Shivya.

    1. Thanks Chitra, and thanks for being such a loyal reader ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you’ll enjoy reading about my all my traveling.

  2. vishesh unni raghunathan says:


  3. Cheers…
    May you continue your journeys, as you like and when you like.
    Cheers again

    1. Thanks Dev, that wish is happening. I’m writing this comment from the lap of the mighty Himalayas!

  4. It’s been an amazing experience visiting you blog, each and every time. Congratulation on making this a success and I hope you continue long into the future.

    I like the new look of the blog.

    1. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope to see you around The Shooting Star ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Great! Congrats on achieving a challenging milestone.

    Keep up the good work and keep climbing further. Pleased to have signed up as your latest travel community memebr :).

  6. Thanks, and thanks for being a loyal reader ๐Ÿ™‚ Always find your comments very encouraging.

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