Ask Me Anything!

During the last one month, I have travelled across the countryside of southern Spain, from Europe’s only desert, to beautiful Arabic cities, to a small town where people still get around on horses! If you’ve been following my live updates on Facebook and Twitter, you probably know that I’m wrapping up my trip and heading back to India soon. As I soak in the last of the olive countryside of Spain and bid goodbye to my eggs-and-potato diet, I want to hand over the reigns of this blog, to you.

This “Ask me anything” is inspired by my friend and fellow travel blogger Neelima, who in turn was inspired by Reddit. She gave me whole-hearted permission to steal replicate the idea, so here I am, asking you to ask me anything! You can ask me about my travels, my vegetarian adventures, what’s in my backpack, places I’ve been to, or any other questions related to travelling or travel blogging. I shall refrain from answering anything too personal or inappropriate though, so let’s keep this clean!

You can send me your questions via:

– The comments section of this post.
– Tweets to @shivya.
– A post on The Shooting Star Facebook Page.
– An email to [email protected] with “Ask me anything” as the subject.

Please feel free to include a link to your blog or twitter with your questions, so I can link them back to you. Please also take this chance to send in your suggestions on what you’d like me to cover more on The Shooting Star blog.

As always, thanks for reading and joining me virtually on my travels; over to you!


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  1. freedman121 says:

    You’ve mentioned this as your post, but I’m always curious what travelers are packing with them. What are some of the most important things in your backpack? What could you not travel without and what would you recommend for this trip in particular?

    An ask me anything is a great idea! Thanks to you and Neelima (and reddit, of course)!

    1. Good one; you’ll have your answer soon 🙂

  2. As you mentioned that I may ask about vegetarian diets, please tell me some good avenues where a vegetarian foody could not only survive but enjoy too. 🙂

    A great initiative to bring connectivity with your readers 🙂

    1. One of my favorite questions in recent times, as I really want to break the notion that vegetarians don’t get to try local food. Look out for my answer, soon!

  3. What kind of hair product are you using to keep your hair silky and healthy?

    1. Haha, go watch the video again and thou shalt have thy answer 😉

  4. smashing idea! good luck playing the wikipedia 🙂 will look forward to the answers specially the hair silky one. 🙂

  5. Curious to know. . Are you blessed with such amazing writing skills or you developed it ? Love your blog 😀 Keep going 🙂

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