My Impressions of Guatemala.

I was a bundle of nerves before I left NYC for Guatemala. I had read enough stories about how unsafe it was, hadnโ€™t travelled solo in another country for a while, and Central America just felt like a world away. My fears were gradually alleviated when I landed here, realizing how laid back the locals are, and in some ways, how much more organized travelling hereย isย than many developing countries I’ve been to.

Here are my impressions of Guatemala,ย penned duringย my three weeksย here:

Guatemala pushed me out of my comfort zone.

Guatemala photos, Guatemala places to visit, Guatemala solo travel
Solitude in San Marcos La Laguna.

When it comes to comfort zone, no country forces you to push your boundaries the way India does. But after all these years of travelling, oftenย solo, in India, Europe and Asia, that nagging feeling of being too cocooned in my comfort zone had started to surface. My time in Guatemala has rekindled my sense of adventure; from speaking only Spanish for twenty days, to delayed buses depositing me atย abandoned bus stops in the middle of the night, to living with and adapting to the ways of a Mayan family, to exploring places that I had only ever read about in text books. It took me longer than usual to lower my guard to the ways of the country, being my first tryst with Central America, but I came out with the realization that as long as I followed my instincts, I felt as safe as I did in any other part of the world.

The ancient Mayan way of life is still alive… but maybe notย for long.

Guatemala people, Guatemala culture, Maya guatemala
My friendly (and shy) neighbour in San Jose.

First things first, the “end of the world” calendar of the Mayans has been misconstrued by most people; it merely signified the end of an era.ย I tried to raise the topic in some light-hearted conversations, but was met with confused looks; the Mayans clearly didn’t have an idea of the broo-ha their calendar had caused at the end of 2012! Of the 22 indigenous Mayan communities that live in Guatemala, many still speakย their native sound-oriented languages (“ha” means let’s go in Q’eq’chi, and “maltiosh” means thank you in Itza), are distinguished by the patterns of the women’s dresses, and a few even worship Maximon – a Mayan saint depicted with cigar and alcohol, and Ixcacao – the Mayan Goddess of chocolate!

Butย it was living with a Mayan Itza family that led me to realize that while Spanish colonialism and Guatemala’s dictatorship era wiped away bigย chunksย of the ancient Mayan way of life, tourism and globalization continue to chip away at it. Most communities are now entirely catholic and primarily speak Spanish; the younger ones often aspire to learn English and adopt western ways – something we can’t really hold against them. Go experience their unique culture while you still can.

The natural beauty is stunning!

san marcos la laguna, guatemala photos, guatemala airbnb, lake atitlan where to stay
My solar-powered Airbnb studioย above Lagoย Atitlan!

While I expected to rub shoulders with Guatemalaโ€™s ancient Mayan culture, I didnโ€™tย expect to be awed by the country’sย natural beauty, something I seldom read about in my research. Antigua itself offers breath taking views of three active volcanoes, and on it’s outskirts, the road winds along green-sculpted mountains, past swaying maize fields, and across sleepy villages. In the northern department (as states are referred to here) of Peten, I found myself amid rolling meadows with grazing cattle, lived inย a village thatย overlookedย the pristine lake Peten Itza, and hikedย in the dense tropical rainforests of the Mayan Biosphere Reserve. And my solar-powered Airbnb studio in the village of San Marcos La Laguna was like an eagle’s nest above Lake Atitlan and its volcanoes (Sign up on Airbnb with my referral link and get 25$ off your first stay). So yes,ย I give Guatemala full credit for sweeping me off my feet with its natural beauty!

Vegetarian food in Guatemala is delicious!

Guatemala vegetarian food, Guatemala cuisine
Plantains, eggs and black beans, to be eaten with tortillas.

Frijoles (black beans) and arroz (rice) are the staple diet in Guatemala, and as someone who is always craving Mexican-style food, my vegetarian taste buds felt delightedย here. My host family in the village of San Jose typically ateย the expensive meat dishes for only one meal, with plenty of veggies. Lunch and dinner mostly consist of frijoles, platanos (plantains)ย and huevos (eggs), and sometimes pasta, topped with salsa picante or chile, served with heaps of maize tortillas. In many local-run cafes and restos, Iโ€™ve indulged in bean or veggie tamalitos, empanadas, tostadas, and such. Yummy!

The locals are friendly, but knowing a littleย Spanish is a must.

Guatemala culture, Guatemala people, Guatemala homestay, Bio Itza homestay
My host family in the village of San Jose.

I must admit that I was taken by surprise in Antigua, where I met only two locals over my three days who spoke any English at all! I had chosen to ditch expat-run cafes and was after local interaction, whichย rigorously tested the little Spanish I had learnt years ago. It really helped to enroll in the Bio Itza Spanish school and live with a Mayan Itza family in a little village in Peten; I wasย literally the only English speaker in the village, and gotย to practice everything I learnt. I had plenty of light-hearted conversations with locals, wasย approached by young girls and boys in remote villages to take selfies and add me on Facebook, and even had a few admirers! And of all things I thought I’ll be doing, I didn’t imagine I’d be playing basketball with Mayan boys and girls.

It’s a delightย for offbeat travellers.

Bio Itza guatemala, Peten Itza guatemala, san jose peten guatemala
The village of San Jose over the pristine lake Peten Itza.

I was a little wary of spending too much time in Antigua, the most popular first stop and colonial town in Guatemala, but even when I strolled along its cobblestoned streets over the weekend, I saw only a handful of other travellers (SEE: A Glimpse of Antigua, Guatemala). I borrowed a bicycle from my Airbnb home and cycled through some pretty neighbourhoods, peeping into courtyards, hearing Spanish music pouring out of most homes, and watching people relaxing on their hammocks โ€“ something Iโ€™ve come to love about the spirit of the people of Guatemala, even in remote villages. Point being,ย if you like to go off the beaten path and discover unspoilt locales and cultures, Guatemala is your kind of place.


By the time you’re reading this, I’ll be seeking moreย adventures inย a protected forest in Honduras!

Join me onย Facebook,ย Twitterย and Instagramย to follow my adventures live.


What areย your impressions of Guatemala?



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*** ***

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  1. What a great post, I almost felt a little bit like I was there. I love your writing and your trip sounds quite like a cultural experience. I’d love to meet those Mayans.

    1. Thanks Mani, I’m glad you could experience it a little through my words ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you get a chance to visit soon.

  2. Manisha Tajne says:

    Hi Shivya,
    What a lovely Blog! Everything is described perfectly.
    I enjoy reading your posts, especially about food & people. Looking forward to read more.

  3. I could liken reading this article to munching fresh, crispy and tasty potato chips.. Wonderful adventure that’s added yet another Spanish-feather in your cap…

    1. Wow, that’s quite a comparison! Glad you enjoyed it, Naleem. More stories coming soon ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I think I’ve been hungry all the time on this trip. The food is awesome, despite being somewhat limited in option for vegetarians!

  4. This airbnb is amazing, I have to bookmark it as I’m going to be in Guatemala next year ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Oh you’re going to LOVE It. What a find, and what a great deal moneywise. Say my hello to Greg and Gaspar if you go ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Very nicely described each & everything, & the snaps are just too good. Your blog always give me a cool breeze to halt each & every line to know more about the world. As a solo traveler I also visited some place & I know how difficult for a female to adjust a new place. But keep traveling because it is in veins…& be safe.
    good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Aww, thank you! I hope you’ll get to visit some of these places soon ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. The best part of any Spanish speaking country its laidback style living, warmth of the locals, and its music and dance. You will find these in ample quantities, which is so so enchanting. One gets a sense of hospitality. People are so friendly and go out of their to help visitors.

    And to top it, all the rumors and apprehensions of insecurity and not safe for solo travelers are not necessarily true. I experienced it when I was planning for my Mexico trip and on the contrary, I found it to be very safe and touristy, and never had any issues related to security. So it depends also what you are used to all your life.

    I am glad you had a wonderful time with Mayans. Interesting write up and you made me imagine and dream of this place. All the best for rest of your trip.

    1. Spot on! I did have a great time in Guatemala. Hope you’ll visit it soon too ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Your writing always has this amazing ability to transport the reader to where you were. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been looking forward to your Central America posts, cause it’s a pity we don’t get to hear more about the way of life there. Have fun in Honduras, and be safe!

    1. Thanks, that really made my day! And I know what you mean, I hope I can fill some of that gap with my blog and writing. Honduras is totally awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Tus escribo, yo soy una admirado !! (Is it correct spanish?)

  9. You don’t know how badly your post makes me want to go to Guatemala. Love your descriptions of the way of life there, and couldn’t agree more that globalization and tourism are chipping away at cultural differences around the world.
    Beautiful photos too. Glad to have found this blog.

  10. Sounds delighful. South America hasn’t yet been on my radar but I’ve always liked the Mayan culture. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your host family and new friends and I found it enormously amusing that the locals had absolutely no idea of the paranoia that went on in the Western world about their cultural calendar!

  11. Rajesh Kannan says:

    How do I go there, may be in Dreams?

  12. Wow ! Thats the only word I murmured as I read the post. Beautiful place. The pictures make it so evident. A treat to offbeat travel lover as you said. I have already added it to my to-go list. And you have described it beautifully. Amazing… !

  13. its good to explore such places ….

  14. Lovely and inspiring posts. Loved the pictures and the way you described it.

  15. Janvi Gandhi says:

    Hi Shivya,

    Really enjoyed reading the post! Guatemala and El Salvador are on my list of countries to travel to. We need travelers like you who make a huge effort to promote tourism and falsify myths of insecurity in these countries!

    I had a few small points to make that relate to my expectations from the blog! It would be exceptionally interesting if you could also include more information on “your research” on deciding a travel destination, so it can be used by others. Second, I wanted a glimpse of the people, of the locals and not just an overview of the Mayans. An interesting tool in social research is narrating stories of people. Not something too long-winded and boring but a portrait of a local’s life in the places you visit would be an interesting addition to your blog. I understand that travel writing is all about the writer, and their adventures but the point of being in a new place is also to experience another’s life. In fact, we’d discover that the difference in a New Yorker’s life and a Mayan’s life could not be more explicit and contrasting! Just an idea.

    All the luck for your future travels!


  16. your post was so wonderful, it felt like I was experiencing it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Pingback: My Impressions of Guatemala. | The Talking Sloth - Asia

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