Planning Your Travels? I Can Help.

travel bloggers india, travel planners, travel planning, think places

I first caught the travel bug as a college student in Singapore. I had very little money, lots of spare time, and all of Southeast Asia to explore. I would pool in my savings with friends and try to find cheap ways to travel far and long. The tables turned when I landed a job with the Singapore Tourism Board, one that left me rich (relatively speaking) but at the mercy of weekends, public holidays, and a kind boss who understood my need to head out every chance I got. The 6 years I spent in Singapore taught me ways to find immersive travel experiences within the constraints of budget and time, andย Think Placesย is giving me the chance to share what I’ve learnt with you.

travel planners, travel planning, think places
On my first solo trip in India.

What is Think Places?

In the simplest of words, a way for you and me (or other passionate travellers from around the world) to connect over Skype, irrespective of which parts of the world we are in. As a travel “expert” for India, Singapore and Malaysia, countries that I’ve spent years exploring, I can help you plan your travels from scratch, find ways to maximize your budget, discover places that lie off the typical tourist circuit, tip you off on local vegetarian food options, and recommend accommodations that offer more fulfilling experiences than regular hotels. Think Places has a real-time itinerary builder, so by the end of our call, you’ll have your entire journey charted out on a map. Pretty cool, huh?

think places, travel experts india, travel bloggers india
Always connected, even on the train in Germany!

Why do I want to help plan your travels?

For the same reason that I blog about my travels – I want you to experience travel as a way of life, not just a mere all-inclusive vacation. I want you to meet the locals the next time you travel, sample the indigenous food, music and lifestyle, stay with people who can offer you perspectives that most hotels can’t, discover places that are not just showcases for tourists, and experience how travelling responsibly or going solo can change the way you see the world. I’ll be completely honest and admit that earning a little bit of money through my travel planning services is part of my motivation too; whatever I do earn will go into my travel fund and enable me to discover more experiences around the world to share with you. And yes, you get all of your money back if you’re not happy with my help.

travel bloggers india, travel planners, travel planning, think places
Secrets places that I wouldn’t write about on my blog.

If you travel often, you can share your travel expertise via Think Places too.

It’s taken me a long time, but I’ve finally made peace with the fact that I can’t go everywhere and experience everything in this lifetime. If youโ€™re a passionate fellow traveller, your expertise is probably different from mine, and that’s why, Think Places wants YOU toย help people plan their trips too. If youโ€™re an established travel blogger or guidebook author, your travel planning listing will show up immediately. Else youโ€™ll have to establish your credibility through two reviews before your listing is searchable on Think Places.

think places, travel planners, travel planning
Know where they should go? Show them.

Think Places is giving away a free 20 minute call with me, to the first person who uses the code “RiRh” to schedule a call. They also offer 10 minutes free on your first call with any travel expert; if youโ€™re not happy in the first 10 minutes, you get your money back.


This post was written in collaboration with Think Places. Check out theirย Facebook and Twitter channels, and subscribe to their blog to get offbeat travel advice from travellers around the world.


Joinย The Shooting Star onย ย Facebook,ย Twitterย andย Instagramย for more travel stories and photos from around the world.

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  1. It’s a pleasure to read your blogs from your trips around the world. Happy to know that there are new and exciting opportunities coming your way to fund your trips. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Well done Shivya!

  3. Shivya I really appreciate you for this post its really beautiful and innovative for us. Thank you so much for the post and waiting for the next post.

  4. Hi Shivya,
    Your blog is so interesting , informative and makes me want tot ravel. In fact your post on Te Aroha was enchanting and we almost planned a trip there but due to kids ‘ exams it didn’t work out. The next time we plan a trip, we are definitely approaching you. All the best for your venture ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hi Shivya,
    Your blog is an inspiration for the budding bloggers and as I can see you left your job to travel the world. Your pictures shows the how important thing people are missing their lives. I really loved your blog.

    PS: Shooting star is apt for the theme you have chosen. I was confused that what happened to my laptop screen..:D


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