Viva la vida!

Good days are here.

I am off to Malaysia early tomorrow morning, to scale the 4th highest peak in South East Asia – Mount Kota Kinabalu!ย 

Coldplay is coming to Singapore! Yes, finally. I’m ecstatic at the thought of hearing them play Violet Hill live! 23rd March, here I come.

I have 2 subsequent Malaysia trips brewing! Tentatively, Malacca and Cameron Highlands.ย 

I am working on a community service expedition with Habitat for Humanity, to build homes for slum-dwellers in a village near Bangalore. We are in the midst of launching a social media campaign to create social awareness. Look out!

And in the middle of all this excitement, I’m turning 21!ย 

“The future looks so bright, we’ve got to wear shades…”

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  1. Awesome!! All the Best! Have a wonderful time.

  2. Coldplay!!!!!
    Oh my fuckin God! I’m so jealous! I think I should get used to it – every time I visit your blog, I find something or the other to be jealous about! ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. @Vishesh: Indeed ๐Ÿ˜€

    @Varun: Thankies ๐Ÿ™‚

    @Dinesh Babu: Thank you!

    @Chander: Welcome to the blogosphere!

    @Amit: Haha, I already feel old!

    @Nikhil: Haha yes yes! You should come to singapore (since you’ve caught the travel bug too :D)

    @Harsh: Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

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