Happy Birthday Blog!

T hree-6-5 days ago, this was just another wordpress.com weblog

H ere its umbilical chord was cut, it became The Shooting Star.

E nchanted by its first post, first reader & first comment, this blog

S ang its way into the blogosphere, with cliched themes & bizarre.

H ome to 105 posts & graced by 16,000 readers, now is a moment

O f reflection & joy, and gratitude & celebration.

O nce upon a time, a blog was merely meant

T o be a goofy forum; today it redefines communication

I n a world where time & ideas are hard to find.

N ow I deviate from this happy, proud occasion,

G lad indeed that The Shooting Star has defined

S omething in my life that was once mere anticipation.

T hrough this journey, my blog has become a part of me

A s I write this, I think about the future and what has been

R eally, all I want to say is, dear blog, Happy Birthday!


On The Shooting Star’s first birthday, I must thank all my fellow bloggers for keeping me company through this incredible journey! A special thanks to Amit, Premanjali, Varun, Radhika, AadilAkanksha, Pranav, Jayesh & Mahak.

The Blogosphere would be so lonely without all of you 😀

The Shooting Star Academy

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  1. Amazing wordplay! And of course, happy birthday 😀

  2. Happy Birthday Shooting Star … 😀 …. Its surely something more than another wordpress blog now !!! 🙂

  3. 🙂 Happy Birthday Blog 🙂 🙂

  4. Your blog and I were born on the same day! 🙂

  5. @ Vishesh: Thanks 🙂 (I’m tempted to add more smileys for you!)

    @ Pranav: Thankies 😀

    @ Harsh: 🙂 I’m glad it is!

    @ AC: Thanks 😀

    @ Amit: Ooo, Happy Birthday!!

  6. Happy Birthday. We all wish when we see a shooting star in the sky. But today, I wish great luck to the ‘Shooting star’ itself.
    Do your best…

  7. *Singing* Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear shooting star… Happy Birthday to you 🙂

    Congratulations on completing one year! Keep it going girl! And thanks… What was that for!?

  8. I forgot to mention that this post is at its innovative best…

  9. @ Dev: Thanks Dev! 😀

    @ Varun: Thanks and thanks 😀 The earlier thanks was for your presence in the blogosphere 🙂 Too much gratitude huh!

  10. Aww .. I’m grateful for the mention 🙂

    Happy first Blogoversary! 🙂

    That was a very very creative birthday post for the blog, I must say!

    This blog is immense and one of my favorites!

    Keep writing! 🙂

  11. Well, I had never been so kind to my blog!! good that i saw it here, else would never would have learnt to respect my blog 😛

  12. Happy Belated Birthday Shooting Star!!! Hope you reach much greater heights in the years to come 🙂

  13. @ Aadil: Thanks a ton Aadil!

    @ Hemal: Haha, it’s never too late 🙂

    @ Nick: Thank you 🙂

    @ Pavan: Thankies!

  14. manchitra says:

    Really creative. belated b’day wishes

  15. Yay, i now dont respect it at all.. have not been writing on my blog of late 🙁 not finding enough time.

  16. @ manchitra: Thank you 🙂

    @ Hemal: It’s never too late to resume!

  17. have started blogging again… but still its difficult to find more time to keep blogging as I did… part of the issue is with my Airtel net connection..

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