Maxwell Hill: Malaysia’s Oldest Charm

One minute, the clouds are descending upon you, transporting you to the heavens. The next minute, you’re running for shelter and watching the rain, intimidated by its intensity and the gusty wind. Just then, the rain and the mist both go into hiding, revealing an untouched blue sky.

Most people think Cameron Highlands or Genting Highlands when choosing a hill station getaway in Malaysia. Their lesser known cousin, Maxwell Hill aka Bukit Larut, therefore still retains its quaint Englishย ambiance and a mystic poetic isolation.

old English Bangalow, maxwell hill
Maxwell Hill's old English ambiance shrouded in mist.
Bukit Larut, Maxwell Hill
Bukit Larut aka Maxwell Hill
Maxwell Hill, bukit larut
Royal old bungalows to spend a quiet weekend.
maxwell hill, bukit larut
Could you find a better place to write?
blue sky, maxwell hill, bukit larut
The mist, rain, wind disappear to reveal a blue sky.

A mere 4-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur takes you to the base of the hill. To get to the peak or midway up, you need to rent a 4-wheel drive or trek for 4-5 hours. Neither option is for the faint-hearted; the road is as steep as it is winding, and the jeeps appear to be from the era of the British rule in the region! In our impromptu trip, the tickets for the 4-wheel drive were sold out early on a Sunday, resulting in a great deal of negotiation and hitch-hiking, doubling the thrill of the ride (imagine, if you can, riding a jeep down a hill with 12 other passengers).

Maxwell hill
The winding road leading up to Maxwell Hill
4-wheel drive up to Maxwell Hill
Thanks to the 4-wheel drive & our pro driver, we survived!

Maxwell Hill is a royal way to spend a weekend, soaking up the charm of old English bungalows (they get booked up to 3 months in advance), seeking poetic inspiration, or simply whiling away time watching the sky perform magic.

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  1. manchitra says:

    Beautiful surroundings,very serene. Travelling a lot I believe. I enjoyed the lush greenery around .

    1. Glad you did! It’s the perfect way to rejuvenate amid nature ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Seems like heaven!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    With an overdose of greenery. Beautiful.

  3. Lovely description of Maxewell…Makes me wanna explore this less known place ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks Valerine! Hope you get to go there soon ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Blue LIne says:

    impressing how you tell the story behind the pictures, well done

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