Size Matters: Pack Light.

Backpacker, packing light

We Indians are notorious when it comes to packing for a vacation. I remember all the family holidays that started with dragging heavy suitcases out of the house, bargaining with porters at the railway station, asking burly men for a hand to get the luggage up the luggage shelf of the train, and keeping track of all our many belongings. It didn’t matter whether the vacation lasted a weekend or a week; my mom had to pack what she had to pack. I’m glad I didn’t inherit her packing skills… [Read more on Women’s Web]

This article was originally published on Women’s Web.

Photo credit: Jhong Dizon.

The Shooting Star Academy

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  1. Dear Shivya
    How are you? The article looks great but could not open from here. Will read all the missed posts as soon as I am back home.
    Happy New Year and Seasons greetings to you

  2. Interesting. We are starting a new monthly series at Ghumakkar called ‘Ghumakkar Insights’. The first post is coming out tomorrow and it is on the same topic 🙂

    Merry Christmas and wishing you a great traveling year Shivya.

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