Goodbye work

I can’t let the summer end without this last post. By summer, I mean the summer in Singapore. Of work, banks and contradictions. Tomorrow is my last day. I’ll be exaggerating if I say it’s been a roller coaster ride. It’s been pretty smooth actually, at least on the outside. My head has been full of conflicts though, from one moment to the next. I have come a long way since I talked about survival, surviving work in a bank. I have grown out of it, the phobia, the fear and the bias. I know though, that what I had thought all along is true, but I have come to realize that I don’t have the right to judge. It is true that most people are motivated by money. Yet, they are some of the nicest people I’ve met in Singapore. In fact, they’ve almost changed my opinion of the country, in the context of racism. I’ll probe into that topic another time, but for now, I am, as always, in two minds. I can’t say if I would want to get a full time position with them. I’d do it for the people and the work culture, but it will never be for the love of work. The passion, the excitement, the thrill will stay missing. It won’t be for the love of marketing. And the other M isn’t motivation enough. (Read money). I’m starting to blabber now, but my point is, I think I’ve discovered a whole new world in the last two months. I won’t feign excitement. I just want to establish that from here on, I won’t, I can’t judge people by what motivates them. It’s been a good two months, on most days, and it’s gone by fast, on most days. 

Now, the summer really starts. Home, food, family and friends. The better life!

The Shooting Star Academy

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One Comment

  1. docmitasha says:

    Where were you working? I hadn’t realize you were interning in a bank! Well, it seems like it was definitely a learning experience…every work place has its advantages and disadvantages…but its good when they’re enriching in at least some way!
    Are you off to India now? 🙂 Yay! I’m envious! Have a great time!

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