Contest Results: This Lucky Winner is Going to Mauritius!

I know it’s been a long, long time since you participated in a contest to win a dream four nights holiday for two in Mauritius. Logistics got in the way, and then I left for Bahrain, where I ended up falling head over heels in love with the country and its people, and ended up staying longer than expected. Now, it’s finally time to announce the name of the lucky winner who’ll soon be sipping cocktails on powdery white beaches, swimming in the turquoise waves of the Indian Ocean, and living the postcard life!

So here go the contest stats:
I received 856 contest entries.
Of which, 51% got all four answers right.
The correct entries were imported into Excel, which randomly picked THE winner.

And the winner is… mini drum roll please… Meera Saujani!

Congrats Meera, paradise awaits you and your lucky friend. Don’t forget to send us a postcard!


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  1. Congratulations Meera!!

  2. Congrats Meera.. Enjoy your trip .. 🙂

  3. Sorry, I think that email went by mistake.



    Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

  4. Meera Saujani says:

    oh my gosh! No way! That is sooooo awesome! wow wow wow!! if y’all could see the grin on my face right now! Cannot wait to sip my first mojito on a mauritian beach!

    THANK YOU!!! x

  5. Congratulations Meera! Look forward to welcoming you at Le Meridien Ile Maurice 🙂

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