The end is nearing

This is HUGE, bigger than huge. I am graduating in exactly 2 months, 17 days. It might seem like an exaggeration, but things always look commonplace when they happen to other people. I wonder if other people have felt the same way about finishing college – overwhelmed. 

It struck me recently when I happened to run my degree progress report:

So there it is. I am going to be a graduate in less than 3 months. And it is huge.

The Shooting Star Academy

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  1. Wow! that must be exciting! Besta luck for your future endeavours! 🙂

  2. It’s not such an exciting idea yet! But thanks, need the luck 🙂

  3. girishmenon says:

    graduate in two months? so? what’s the big deal?
    I graduated the minute I started drinking. Which was whilst I was.. hmm.. 4

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