Dreaming of Mauritius Contest: Win a Stay at Le Meridien Ile Maurice!

Bonjour! Christmas has come early, and after making you extremely jealous of my recent trip to paradise Mauritius, and after receiving threats to be blocked from Facebook newsfeeds and un-followed on Twitter for sharing such tempting pictures, I’ll be playing Santa. Thanks to Le Meridien Ile Maurice, who have kindly offered to sponsor a stay for one of my readers at the beachside paradise they’ve created in Mauritius.

What Do You Win?

– A four nights stay for TWO in a deluxe room at Le Meridien Ile Maurice.
– Complimentary breakfast & dinner.
– Water sports activities: Water Skii, Glass Bottom Boat, Kayaks, Pedalos, Snorkelling, Windsurfing and Aquagym.
– Access to the Hydrotherapy room for Jacuzzi, Steam & Sauna at Explore Spa.
–ย Yoga Sessions (thrice a week) at Explore Spa.
– Accessย to the fitness centre at Explore Spa.
– Free Wi-fi in the lobby area of Le Meridien Ile Maurice, so you can share live updates and make the rest of us jealous!

Okay, let’s add some visuals to the awesomeness of this prize, shall we?

Mauritius beaches, Mauritius Indian Ocean, Mauritius pictures, Le Meridien Mauritius
The turquoise blue waters at the Le Meridien Ile Maurice beach.
Le Meridien Mauritius, Le Meridien Ile Maurice, Mauritius where to stay
My deluxe ocean view room at Le Meridien Ile Maurice.
Mauritius food, Mauritius restaurants, Le Faya Mauritius
Loved the Mediterranean food & seaside setting at this restaurant.
Mauritius photos, Le Meridien Ile Maurice, romantic Mauritius
One of those moments ๐Ÿ™‚

How Do You Win?

It’s easy really. There are three simple steps to enter the contest, and then you pray to lady luck.

1. Like theย Le Meridien Ile Maurice Facebook Page.

2. Likeย The Shooting Star Facebook Page.

3. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and answer 4 simple questions via the form.

Hint: Answers to the questions can be found on Le Meridien Ile Maurice’s website and among my facebook page updates & tweets. While the contest is on, I’ll also constantly be slipping in the answers through my blog posts, Facebook updates and tweets.


Brownie Points

Now this ain’t part of the winning criteria, but it’ll be awesome if you can share this contest with your friends through your social networks, link it to your blog if you have one, and help me spread the word. The more entries I get, the more I know that you (yes you), would like me to source more of such awesome prizes for you!

Dates to Note

The last date to enter the contest is 7th October, 2012. The contest will close by midnight.

Winners will be announced through my blog. The best way to stay posted on whether you’ve won is to subscribe to my email updates (on the top right corner of the blog). The winner must contact me by email within a week of the announcement to receive the victory voucher, which can be used all the way until September 2013.

The winner shall be given the honor of being interviewed on my blog about his/her free stay in Mauritius. It is an honor, right?

The Legal Mumbo Jumbo.

  1. The winner must be at least 18 years old and could be a resident of any country.
  2. Only one entry per person is allowed. Participants with multiple entries will be disqualified.
  3. Participants who have liked both Facebook pages and submit correct answers to all four questions will be shortlisted into a lucky draw, and one winner will randomly be picked. No disputes will be entertained.
  4. The prize includes a four nights stay for 2 people in a deluxe room at Le Meridien Ile Maurice,ย complimentary breakfast & dinner,ย water sports activities (Water Skii, Glass Bottom Boat, Kayaks, Pedalos, Snorkelling, Windsurfing and Aquagym),ย access to the Hydrotherapy room for Jacuzzi, Steam & Sauna at the Explore Spa,ย Yoga Sessions (thrice a week) at Explore Spa, accessย to the fitness centre at Explore Spa, and free Wi-fi in the lobby area of Le Meridien Ile Maurice.
  5. The validity of the booking voucher will be until 30thย September 2013 (excluding 22 December 2012 to 02 January 2013) and bookings will be subject to availability.
  6. Reservation requests must be sent toย [email protected]ย and the winner must hand over the prize voucher upon check-in at the hotel.
  7. The cost of any upgrades and activities other than those mentioned above must be borne by the winner.
  8. All flights, visas, transport and extensions are the responsibility of the winner.
  9. The winner absolves me of any and all liability regarding accidents, mishaps, issues with reservations, bookings & the hotel, and anyย unforeseen circumstances before, during or after the trip.
  10. The contest deadline may be extended at the sole discretion of The Shooting Star and Le Meridien Ile Maurice.

So Go On, Enter The Contest

Remember to like the Facebook pages to make your entry eligible to win.

Good luck, keep your fingers, toes and everything else crossed, and spread the word among your friends!

UPDATE: This contest is now CLOSED. Results will be announced soon.

UPDATE: The contest results have been announced here. Congrats to the lucky winner!


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  1. M (@LadyInGhoonghat) says:

    Participated! keeping my fingers, toes and everything else crossed ! ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Awesome Contest Shivya. Have Participated, Hope to be Lucky !!!!

    Loved the comment ‘Keep your Fingers, Toes and everything else Crossed’ ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Glad you like the contest, Ashish ๐Ÿ™‚ All the best!

    1. Great, best of luck! Keep them fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Awesome, thanks Venkat, and all the best ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Shivya, Results Please ๐Ÿ™‚ Fingers are paining after keeping them crossed for so long ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. hey… entered the contest ..

    pssstt… my honeymoon is long overdue ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Hey, doesn’t look like your entry’s come through. Enter once more?

  4. I am “In”. This is one time I really want lady luck to smile at me…..

    1. Good luck Anne, keep your fingers crossed!

  5. Ankita Sinha says:

    Have Entered..and am sharing it on my blog and twitter..Keeping my fingers crossed!!I wish I win..I so so envy you for the dip in the crystal clear blue waters and of course the awesome pics.

    1. That’s great, thanks Ankita! Hope you get a chance for your own dip in those waters; it feels surreal ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. entered..:)
    hope copy paste is ok.. too much used with Ctrl C and V…:)

    1. Good luck! Copy paste is fine as long as you copy pasted the right stuff :p

  7. wow what a brilliant contest! will enter and share on fb, twitter etc asap!

    1. Good luck! and thanks for all the sharing =)

  8. Sarah Duff says:

    Entered! Hope to win! I’ve just been to Mauritius for a travel assignment but would love to go back on holiday with my boyfriend. Loved reading all your Facebook posts & seeing your photos. I too, was overwhelmed at the unexpected awesomeness of Mauritius. There’s so much to see on the island when you leave your resort!

    1. Absolutely, and yet it’s not easy to leave the resort :p Good thing they’re mostly close to the beach and the water sports ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck with the contest!

    1. Welcome to The Shooting Star, Bhawna ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thanks for sharing the contest! The contest answers on scattered the Le Meridien website, FB page and my own FB page. Not so tough :p All the best!

  9. Participated .

    any scope on personal questions , they might vary , right ?

    Nice Blog ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Just some simple browsing through the Facebook pages & the Le Meridien website, and you’ll find the answers ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck!

  10. So I filled in again… I hope im not disqualified incase u do recieve both my entries ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Received both your entries this time. Same answers, so no disqualification ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep your fingers crossed!

      1. Crossed… Hell.. They r intertwined!!!!

  11. Darshi Bole says:

    Great Blog! sent in my entry for the contest; hope I get lucky! : )

    1. Thanks Darshi! Keep them fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Hey Shivya,

    I participated this morning! Had to make a guess with the favourite experience question from other things you posted. Then I saw the latest pictures you uploaded after with the answer. Is there any chance I could re-submit? Would really like a chance to win, the pics look awesome!


    1. Sorry there’s only one entry per person, but you could get your friends / family (who’ll pick you to go) to participate! The answer’s been there in the Facebook pictures all along by the way ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. Liked & Participated!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    My anniversary is coming near! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope to celebrate it in Mauritius!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. That would be awesome, wouldn’t it? Goodie luck!

      1. Hehe thanks.. ๐Ÿ™‚ Was planning a vacation.. winning this would be awesome!

  14. woohooo… lovely idea for a contest! will participate and spread the word ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Good luck! And thanks for helping spread the word ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Amrita At Atelier says:


  16. Thanks for putting on this awesome contest Shivya! I’ve had the itch to travel since I went to Europe in the spring. You’re story is really inspiring and I’ve got my fingers crossed to win this. Not only do the blue waters catch my eye but I would love to go where you took the photo from the Watch Tower and grab photos of my own. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Glad it’s got you dreaming of Mauritius! Good luck, and share the contest with your friends so they pick you to go with them ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. Great contest Shivya! Just submitted my entry, and now back to dreaming of Mauritius and the beach at Le Meridien:-)…..hoping for this one to come true soon!

    1. Good luck Sonal! Get your family & friends to take part too (the ones who’ll pick you to go along) to increase your odds of winning ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Followed you from twitter to your blog. Love the writing….Keep it going, travelbug!

    1. Thanks Sai, and welcome to The Shooting Star!

  19. allthatsblush says:

    Great contest. Submitted an entry and hoping for a shooting star to fulfill my wish ๐Ÿ™‚ Love your blog and your travel exploits since your Singapore days. tc

    1. Great, good luck, hope a shooting star shall appear in the skies soon ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. abhinav arora says:

    Hey Shivya! I’ve just participated, and even a fraction of the great time that you’ve had there, would be a dream come true for me and my girl friend.
    Thank you!

    1. Great, just in time Abhinav. All the best, keep your fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Ankita Sinha says:

    Keeping my finger’s crossed!Believe me shivya the travel contests make me as nervous as the board exams.Till the results are out there’s no harm dreaming about Mauritius,you never know if my answers are correct(pray!!!) and I win..I’ll have Mauritius all ova my travel blog just like you ๐Ÿ™‚ http://www.ankionthemove.com/

  22. Madhumita says:

    Hi Shivya
    Awesome blog. I love how you mentioned certain details about the place that we would have never known.

    1. Thanks Madhumita, glad you enjoyed reading it ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Any contest winner yet? Would love to win as my father worked in Mauritius for a few months in his early 20’s, and is 78 now; I’d love to take him on a trip back!

  24. Hey Shivya, Has the winner been announced?

    1. Not yet. Was sorting out the logistics with the sponsors. Hopefully by December we shall have the results!

  25. M (@LadyInGhoonghat) says:

    Hey Shivya,
    Hope all is sorted and we’ll have a winner announcement soon ? : )

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