Meet the Bhutanese Blogger and Solo Traveller Unearthing Bhutan’s Best Kept Secrets.

bhutan solo travel, bhutanese blogger, layap bhutan, western bhutan

Meet Tshering Denkar, an intreprid solo female traveller and Bhutanese blogger, documenting her Bhutan solo travel adventures.

I was in awe of Tshering Denkar even before I met her.

I first read her travel blog – Denkar’s Getaway – after receiving an invitation to share the stage with her at the Mountain Echoes Literary Festival in Bhutan. She had spent the past couple of years travelling solo across the length and breath of her own country. Hiking, hitch-hiking and living with indigenous communities in remote mountain hamlets!

Travelling is never about the labels. But being Bhutan’s first solo female traveller and the first Bhutanese blogger in the travel space is a pretty big deal.

I mean, scan through global travel writing archives – or even articles about travelling in Bhutan – and tell me how many voices of intrepid female South Asian travellers can you find?

In Thimphu, I finally met Denkar – full of energy, excitement and humor – and despite being an introvert myself, we immediately connected through our mutual love for the road. Her travel stories eventually led us to Haa Valley and plans to explore the remote eastern provinces someday.

While hiking with Denkar in the mountains of Thimphu, I learnt how the King of Bhutan reads her travel blog and even invited her to meet him! He encouraged her to keep exploring the wonders of Bhutan, and inspire more Bhutanese people to explore their own country.

Also read: Inspiring Women I Met in Bhutan and What Happiness Means to Them

bhutanese blogger, tshering denkar, denkars getaway, hitchhiking bhutan
Bhutanese blogger Tshering Denkar trying to hitchhike!

An unexpected journey

Prior to becoming a full time traveller, I was teaching in a prison in Thailand. One day, an inmate asked me, “Teacher, how is the world outside?” ~ Denkar

Denkar’s journey towards becoming a travel blogger and vlogger started in the most unlikely of places – a prison.

She travelled to Thailand to volunteer as an English teacher, and ended up staying longer to pursue further studies. While volunteering, she got the opportunity to teach at a prison in the Phitsanulok province in northern Thailand.

One day, an inmate asked her a question that would compel her to re-evaluate her life choices. How is the world outside? she wanted to know.

Denkar says she was haunted by that question, and slowly began to cherish the things she had always taken for granted. The freedom to be outdoors, explore, travel, meet new people and have interesting experiences.

She ended up backpacking across Southeast Asia, then decided to explore her own home country, Bhutan! For the past two years, she’s been travelling solo, living with locals across the many dzongkhags (districts) of Bhutan.

Check out Denkar’s adventures on her blog, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube channel.

Also read: From panic to positive living: The pandemic in Bhutan by Denkar

merak, eastern highlands
Denkar, the first Bhutanese blogger in the travel space, with her host in Merak (Bhutan’s eastern highlands).

Bhutan solo travel

Dance to your own music and let the world blend into your tune. ~ Denkar

Denkar vividly recalls her first solo trip in 2018.

She bade goodbye to apprehensive friends as she boarded a local bus to Phobjika valley – alone, with a one way ticket! She was on a tight budget, and had made up her mind to hitchhike and couch surf if she needed to.

As the bus winded along the gorgeous green mountains, she felt herself connecting with the wanderer within. She quickly made new friends, felt determined to chart her own path and ended up staying longer than planned.

And she hasn’t looked back since. Phobjika became the first of many, many solo travel adventures across Bhutan. Seeking refuge wherever she found it, connecting with locals and going deeper wherever she went.

Also read: How I Conquer My Solo Travel Fears

Funding her adventures and becoming the first Bhutanese blogger in the travel industry

My greatest achievement is that people understand what I do now! ~ Denkar

Like most South Asian parents, Denkar’s were worried about her financial well-being. The idea of spending hours behind a laptop at home or being paid to travel is still pretty alien in this part of the world.

Denkar’s father wanted her to work as a civil servant after she returned to Bhutan with a masters degree from Thailand. But she knew she wanted to do something different. She never saw herself fitting into a traditional work environment.

So she set out to prove that she could make a living from travel blogging / vlogging. She’d be the first of her kind in Bhutan!

And she did it. Her primary source of income is content writing. She also partners with like-minded brands on her travels.

She says her parents are now obsessed with her travel stories and offbeat adventures across the country!

Also read: How I’m Financially Sustaining my Digital Nomad Lifestyle

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Bhutan solo travel | Denkar at the magnificent twin waterfall in Panbang.

Social stereotypes and hitchhiking in Bhutan

Denkar has hitchhiked to the remotest of villages in Bhutan on trucks and boleros! As in the rest of the world, hitch-hiking is considered a big NO for Bhutanese woman.

But when Denkar began fighting the social stereotype and putting her faith in strangers, she learnt that hitchhiking in Bhutan is safe as long as you keep your wits about you. She has hitched rides with mountain porters, truck drivers and students. Some bought her lunch. Some shared their deepest secrets with her. Many probably drew inspiration from her fearless ways.

Also read: An Open Letter to Parents: Let Your “Kids” Travel

tshering denkar, denkars getaway
Bhutan solo travel | The joy of winter.

Offbeat Bhutan solo travel recommendations

Explore Panbang in one of Bhutan’s most remote districts​

Until a couple of decades ago, little was known about Panbang in Bhutan’s Zhemgang Dzongkhag, close to Manas National Park in India. Despite some recent development, the locals still live in thatched bamboo and grass roof houses, believe in shamans and drink tongba (fermented millet brew)!

Trek to Nuptsonapata in Haa Valley

Denkar says one of her all-time favorite treks in Bhutan was to Nuptsonapata in Haa Valley. Arduous though it was, it was filled with lush mountains, wildflowers, rare white poppies, an encounter with nomadic shepherds and an emerald lake!

Also read: 15 Responsible Travel Tips to Change the Way You Experience the World

Nuptsonpata trek, bhutanese blogger
Denkar on the trek to Nuptsonpata, documenting Bhutan solo travel.

Meeting the King of Bhutan as the first Bhutanese blogger / vlogger!

Besides being recognized as Bhutan’s first travel blogger, Denkar says being invited to meet the King of Bhutan in 2019 was her life’s greatest honor.

“We need to breathe Bhutan,” he told her. He spoke about the beauty of Bhutan and the need for Bhutanese people to explore more of their own country. Denkar says it was then that it really struck her. Her journey as a blogger could make a difference in the way her own people (along with those outside) saw Bhutan.

She pledged to the King that she would travel far and beyond to bring fascinating stories about Bhutan to the world.

Also read: “I Love Spiti”: A Campaign to Save Spiti Valley from Single-Use Plastic

bhutanese blogger, solo travel bhutan, bhutan travel blog, solo trip to bhutan
At Royal Highland Festival, Bhutanese blogger Denkar wearing ‘Thukhanja’ and ‘zem’ of Layap women.

Advice for women who want to follow their solo travel dreams

Denkar: “I believe if you travel solo far and long enough, you will meet your true self. My only advice is stop being a couch potato, wishing ‘if only’ your life was like that of someone you follow online.

If you feel you want to go out there and experience the world, do what it takes. Make the emotional commitment, carve your own path, get ready for some sacrifices and prove to yourself and those around you that you can do it.

Go be the author of your own story.”

Also read: Unusual Solo Travel Destinations to Feed Your Adventurous Spirit

bhutanese blogger, laya bhutan, solo travel bhutan, tshering denkar, bhutan travel blog
Bhutanese blogger | Waking up to snow in Laya.

How did you find the courage to take your first solo trip? Or what’s stopping you? Do you follow any Bhutanese blogger?

This post is part of my Solo Travellers Series – which aims to shed the spotlight on solo travellers from across Asia. Courageous souls who are challenging conventions in their own fierce ways yet typically underrepresented in the travel space. 

If you’ve met inspiring solo travellers from Asia who I could consider featuring in this series, please connect us!

Meet the Courageous Indian Woman Travelling the World Solo – On a Wheelchair.

Meet the First Solo Female Traveller from the Maldives

Meet the Indian Software Engineer Who Quit His Job to Climb Mount Everest – But Not How You’d Imagine

Thanks to Tshering Denkar and Remya Padmadas for their inputs.

The Shooting Star Academy

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  1. Bhutanese female travel blogger exploring Bhutan is inspiring. I guess for next couple of months for most travel bloggers exploring our own country is the best option like her. Thanks for sharing, Shivya.

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      Don’t see any domestic travel happening in India for the foreseeable future! But yes, wanted to share her story for inspiration in the long term 🙂

      1. In the immediate future, till the new cases of coronavirus don’t see a decline, there won’t be any travel. Once things improve domestic travel will be preferred until a couple of months. Many People would like instant gratification, having been locked for such a long time.

  2. Nina | Lemons and Luggage says:

    What an inspiring post, Shivya! And I can’t wait wait for the next articles in this new series!

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      Glad you found it inspiring, Nina. Can’t wait to share the upcoming ones!

  3. Divya Hasti says:

    The biggest takeaway from Denkar is that stop wishing ‘if only’ your life was like someone else.
    It always feels so good to hear stories of women breaking stereotypes and carving their path.
    In one’s quest to find something, we sometimes find answers for our questions too. Waiting for more posts in this series.

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      That’s a reminder we all need from time to time, whether it’s travel or another aspect of life!

  4. Shivya, this a most inspiring post, meeting Denkar. She seems to be a brave, kind and inspiring women , who stepped out of the traditional way of life of a woman in her culture to follow her inner call and path. Does she have an actual blog side , or just posting on Face Book ( I am not on Instagram), I need to follow her, please let me know. Thank you my virtual blogging friend, greetings from over the vast ocean, Cornelia.

    1. Hi. You can follow her on Facebook “Denkar’s Gateaway”. Fan here.

    2. Shivya Nath says:

      Glad you found her blog, Cornelia. Hope your path crosses with hers sometime too!

  5. Anjali Mehra says:

    Just wanna say you are an inspiration ✌️✌️✌️ and so is your “Solo travel series”. I love reading your posts 😍 Hope this pandemic ends soon and we can go out to travel far… 🤩🥰❣️

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      Thanks Anjali, glad you’re finding this series inspiring! I’m really enjoying working on it 🙂 And yes, sure hope so.

  6. No.a Gyeltshen says:

    I am always envious of her life. Proud too.

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      Then you need to re-read her advice on ‘what if’ 😉

  7. What an amazing story! Good for her believing in herself and traveling solo. It took me until last year before I felt ready to do that! And then it was for a few days in Bath haha….but it definitely awakens one’s soul!

    1. Shivya Nath says:

      It sure does, and to be honest, it doesn’t matter when that awakening happens as long as it does!

  8. Ramesh Pokhrel says:

    Yeah life is short but the world is very vast.Keep travelling la. This article is very inspirational. I now feel the pride in being a Bhutanese. Ashim you are such a dauntless woman! Keep soaring.

  9. Love this post – so so inspiring!

  10. What an inspiring post and I really love reading your posts.You inspire me to travel and travel more.Good luck and be safe .

  11. I have been researching Bhutan for awhile now, but cannot find alot of information on it. Thanks for your insight and im hoping to travel here in 2021.

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